Kansas #0280

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113 East Ashmore Street (Rt 16)
Ashmore, IL 61912
Kansas Blue Lodge #0280

Chartered on 10/06/1858 by the Grand Lodge of Illinois, Kansas Lodge #280 A.F. & A.M. in Ashmore, Illinois is part of District 012-E.
Timeline of decisions/actions made pertaining to Kansas Lodge #280 building that received damage from the June 29th, 2023 storm.

On June 29th, 2023 a storm hit most of Illinois with 80+ mph straight-line winds. When it came through Kansas, Illinois, it took down power lines and poles, trees, grain bins, damaged buildings, etc...this was a widespread and massive storm that covered a large portion of Illinois.
The Kansas Lodge #280 building was damaged also. Part of the southwest corner of the roof was flipped over and laid there.
A day or two later, SD John Saxton and Treas Brian Harmon went up and looked at the Lodge and on the lower floor there were ceiling tiles missing from part of the dining room, the kitchen ceiling had come down and there was water in the foyer and bathroom.
According to Bro. John Saxton, water was also flowing down the stairway leading up to the Lodge room. On the top floor the foyer was water soaked along with the preparation room. The Lodge room itself seemed undamaged.
On July 5th a few of the Brethren met at the Lodge to look and see how bad it was. Even with the windows open for a couple hours prior, it still smelled bad. Chaplain Ed Harmon went upstairs and got a cardboard box of white gloves to take home and wash. There was water dripping rapidly from the box. Junior Steward William Guyer went upstairs also and said the carpet was still soaked and squirting up around his shoes when he stepped.
SD John Saxton said that a contractor, Darrel Reynolds, his helper and himself, got on the roof a day or two earlier, with the help of a lift, and flipped the roof section over.
Electricians were called and were there to disconnect the electricity on July 5th also.
Mold is already starting to form on the woodwork and trim.
We discussed what we were going to do for meetings and Brother John Morris, who had been in contact with SD John Saxton, offered to let us use a room at the Presbyterian Church for meetings.
I made a post on OLP to inform the Brethren to not go into the Lodge until it was deemed safe to do so.
I also informed Eastern Star, via Messenger, the same message.
Treas. Brian Harmon contacted insurance company and they were there at the Lodge on July 6th to assess the damage. SD John Saxton informed me that it would take 7-10 days, minimum, for the insurance company to give a decision on the Lodge.

July 10, 2023
We still haven't heard from the insurance company pertaining to the damage to the Kansas Lodge. It has only been a few days.
Via a text message I started on 7-10-2023, I contacted some of the Officers and asked where we were going to have our August 2023 Lodge Meeting at?
I informed them that Paris Masonic Temple has offered us their Temple as a meeting place but we would have to change our meeting date.
SD John Saxton said he received a call and was informed by Ashmore's WM Lyle Gannaway that Ashmore Lodge would let us use their Lodge for meetings. It was then decided, by those on the text message, that this would be the best course of action since Ashmore is only 5 minutes from Kansas.
It was discussed and Ashmore Lodge No. 390 was mentioned.
At the time we were communicating via text, WM Joe Zavoral was not answering. I called and got no answer. Later he called back. I was busy. I then called him and he said he had talked to SD John Saxton personally, and I said I had done so also. WM and I then discussed taking Ashmore Lodge's gracious offer to have our meetings there for the time being.
Worshipful Master Joe Zavoral ordered me to file the paperwork to receive dispensation from Grand Lodge to have our meetings at the Ashmore Lodge for now. I will do so tomorrow.

July 12, 2023
WM Joe Zavoral, and his wife Bonnie, went into the lodge on July 12th and got all of the Eastern Star jewels, paraphernalia, music, etc. and placed it in the dining room. They also boxed all the pictures, plaques, etc. The upstairs closets are still full and don't know if anything will be usable.
OES has also been offered the use of the Ashmore Masonic Lodge until the Lodge situation is determined.

July 13th, 2023
I received email from Brother Gary Fisher from GL stating that our Dispensation was Approved by Grand Master Jackson and has been submitted to Grand Lodge Office for processing, but, due to vacations at Grand Lodge, it might be a week or so before it gets processed and issued.
I informed the Brethren via text and OLP.

July 15th, 2023
It has been hot, very hot and humid the last few days. This cannot be helping the Lodge building.
WM Joe Zavoral told me a couple days ago that when him and Bonnie went upstairs at the Lodge, the Preparation room floor was buckling/lifting.

July 19th, 2023
We had a 'gathering' at the Kansas American Legion on July 18th, 2023. It was decided that we would move items out of the Lodge to store at SD John Saxton's building. This will be done on July 29th, 2023 starting at 8 AM. I was told to send letters to members of Lodge informing them that we will need help to move things. I was also told to inform the members that we will be having our meetings at the Ashmore Lodge until further notice.
Also today, the 19th, I did mail letters to members of Kansas Lodge stating the day of emptying the Lodge and the new meeting place, I called the Grand Secretary and asked what we could do with the Lodge furnishings and he told me that everything in the Lodge was the Lodge's property except for the Charter itself.

July 28, 2023
We received the Official Dispensation letter from Grand Lodge for changing our meeting place earlier this week. We also will not be emptying the Lodge on the 29th due to not having enough help. We are planning on a later date when we can get help. WM Joe Zavoral, his wife Bonnie, and I, went into the Lodge earlier this week. I cleaned out the Secretary's desk and gathered what I needed to perform the Secretary's duties. WM Joe Zavoral took the Officers Jewels and other paraphernalia that was needed to have a meeting. I am storing some of the Secretary's items here at my home. We also loaded up all the pictures that were downstairs. WM took them to storage area for safekeeping. The mold is getting really bad and the wallboard is buckling in the downstairs area, stairway and Preparation room areas.
We will be having our Regular Stated meeting on August 1st, 2023 at the Ashmore Lodge. There is still no word from the Insurance Company and until we get word from them, we are kind of in limbo to know what we will be able to do concerning the Lodge building and the future of the Kansas Lodge building.

August 1, 2023
Jeanine and I went riding yesterday. I contacted WM Lyle Gannaway from Ashmore Lodge a couple days before asking for a key to get into Ashmore Lodge. I picked it up yesterday and went to Ashmore Lodge to see the Lodge. I was told it is a really nice Lodge and it is. When going into the Lodge we seen that the dining room ceiling was down, along with the lights. Ceiling tiles were everywhere. I call WM Lyle and asked him what happened in the dining room. He asked if I was kidding. I said No and told him what I had seen. He asked for me to get pictures and send them to him, which I done on our way back home. WM Lyle and Ashmore Secretary went and inspected it last eve and he called and said that the ceiling was held by smooth nails and the weight of the ceiling and lights took the ceiling down. I asked him if he needed help and he said Yes. He is to be at the Lodge today to clean up. I contacted the Brethren of Kansas Lodge and told them that help would be appreciated. SD John Saxton and Bro. JC Getche said to let them know what time today that they need to be there to help. I will be going also when WM Lyle contacts me.

August 2nd, 2023
SD John Saxton met with Bro. Phil Tribby to get estimate on what it would take to raze the building. I seen they were at the Lodge so Jeanine and I went upstairs also. Bro. Phil said the razing and cleanup would be between $15,000-20,000.
Jeanine and I went to Ashmore Lodge and cleaned for about 2 hours.

August 4th, 2023
I contacted the Insurance Company and verified that the Lodge Building had insurance on it and that we have liability insurance also. The Policy will run out on November 1st, 2023. I did not inform the insurance company that we were going to raze the Lodge Building.
I informed the Officers of this and also told them that even after the Lodge was razed, we would need to keep liability insurance on the empty lot in case someone got hurt.
We are now trying to set a date and get people to help with emptying the Lodge.

August 22nd, 2023
Had a feller asking me about buying the Lodge dining room tables if there were any available. I told him I didn't know where they were but would check.
Called WM Joe Zavoral and he said that Bro. Shannon Wheeler had them. Don't know when they were taken from Lodge.
I texted Shannon and he said he had them and all were all spoken for...if Eastern Star approved the sale at their next meeting.

Aug 23, 2023
The upstairs was emptied of all Lodge furniture last week...Aug 14 or 15th. Bro Larry Hawkins brought a large fork truck and they took things out through an upstairs window opening. All Lodge furniture is stored at Bro John Saxton's building. We had plenty of help from the Brethren. It was all removed in around 2 hours. I talked to Bro John Saxton today and he said that Bro Phil Tribby will be razing the building in October/November....as of his schedule at the present time.

September 6th, 2023
Had Stated meeting last eve and was discussed about shutting off/disconnecting Electric/Gas/Water to the Kansas Lodge. I said I would contact them today. Contacted AMEREN and they disconnected the electric from Lodge at 2PM Sept 6th.
Gas is scheduled to be disconnected on Wed. Sept 13th at 11 AM. WM Joe Zavoral and/or SD John Saxton will be able to be there for disconnection since I am going on vacation that day. Per WM Joe Zavoral, I contacted Kansas Village Hall and told them to leave water on (it was discussed by WM, myself, and other members that we should leave water on in case we needed to use facilities between now and when Lodge is razed).

September 18th, 2023
WM Joe Zavoral told me that Brother Phil Tribby said that the electric needed to be removed from pole at the rear of the Lodge. Contacted AMEREN per WM Joe Zavoral and talked to them about the electric pole. They said pole might be ours but they will disconnect and remove the lines in the next couple weeks along with the gas service. Brother Phil Tribby informed WM Joe Zavoral that he could remove the pole when he razed the building.

September 20th, 2023
AMEREN informed me today that the line was removed from the electric pole at the rear of the Lodge building.
I informed WM Joe Zavoral of this.
We are also trying to locate the Working Tools and other items that were packed away. This is going to be interesting!

Oct 21st, 2023
I talked to Bro Phil Tribby today while at the Kansas Park helping do concrete work for the gazebo that the Community Corp is planning on putting up. He said it would probably be late November/early December when Lodge building would be razed. Also talked to Bro John Saxton about removing the Display case still in the building. WM Joe Zavoral contacted Village of Kansas and had water shut off to Lodge building. SD John Saxton and Brother J.C. Getche went to Lodge building to see if there was anything else to be removed. They did remove, and now has in storage, the display case and I do not know if there was anything else removed.

Nov 10th, 2023
I was contacted by Brother Dale Wheeler to see if he could get the display cabinet that was in the Lodge Building. I told him it was either there or at SD John Saxtons building. I contacted Lodge Officers via text and they agreed to let him have the display cabinet and if wanted to make a donation to the Lodge for it, fine, if not. that was fine also.

Nov 11th, 2023
I contacted Brother Dale Wheeler and told him the he could have the display cabinet. He said he could give a donation. I told him that if wanted to, fine, if not, that was fine also. Shannon Wheeler got the cabinet the next day or two.

Jan 5th, 2024
At our Regular Stated Meeting on Jan 2nd, 2024, we discussed when Bro. Phil Tribby would be razing the Lodge Building. It was said after the ground froze was what he was planning.
Earlier that day, Bro. Joe Zavoral called me and said Valerie, from the Village Hall, told him that someone was pulling wires from the outside of the Lodge. When Joe and I got there, we discovered Bro. Larry Hawkins inside the building and he said that Bro. John Saxton told him to get whatever he wanted out of there. We both said "GREAT!" and also told him at least someone was getting some stuff out of there to use! Bro. Larry Hawkins supposedly got the mounting brackets off the walls for the Past Masters and OES pictures so we can use them to place pictures at the Ashmore Lodge. I will go get the brackets and store them until we need them. We took a tote and box full of Treasurer reports from past years and a Masonite sign that was all above the bathroom. I brought them home and did a quick look and decided that Bro. John Saxton would want some of the things in the boxes and the sign. I dropped everything off at Bro. John's on 1-4-2024.

Feb 7th, 2024
At the Stated meeting last eve, which was also our DD Official Visit, the Brethren at the Lodge voted to make Ashmore Lodge our permanent Lodge Building. The Ashmore Lodge Brethren have been more than accommodating and we know we will be an asset to each other. I will petition the GL for Dispensation to have Ashmore Temple our permanent meeting place. We did receive the Dispensation.

March 17th, 2024
Bro. Darrel Reynolds, a Fellowcraft Mason, (the same Darrel Reynolds mentioned in the very first paragraph) took down the Masonic Emblem from the top front of the Kansas Lodge Building. I called Bro. John Saxton about getting some supplies for the 3rd Degrees coming up and he asked me to stop by his house. He had the Masonic Emblem in the back of his side x side and.....WOW! It was also engraved on the reverse with drapery and the Holy Bible.
I took pics and contacted Dan Smittkamp and he said it reminded him of a lecture in the 3rd Degree....and it does!
I also contacted GL and have gotten replies from the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the State of Illinois A.F. & A.M. David Lynch and also was contacted by RWB Auston Eugene Smith Senior Warden of the Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of the State of Illinois.
R.W. Smith is going to do a draft and use it for his presentation on the History of Illinois Freemasonry and maybe get it into the Freemason Magazine. Other info on this will be with the Lodge's meeting minutes.

March 25th, 2024
I took Josh Fell with me to the Kansas Lodge Building and removed the hardware off the Preparation Room doors.
I was told Bro. John Saxton, and a few others, went up there that day also and took the Royal Arch Mason cornerstone to Bro. John Saxton's building to store.

March 29th, 2024
Bro Phil Tribby was at the Lodge and was taking what things he could out of the Lodge and throwing into dumpster. He said there were people there getting the doors and woodwork and flooring out of the Lodge Room. He also told me that the Lodge should be coming down the first week of April 2024. Bro Larry Hawkins called me and said he had a Bible that was found in the upstairs prep room closet and brought it to me to keep until I get it to Lodge. It is brand new and still in cellophane wrap. It is a large Bible.

April 5th, 2024
Still no word on when the Lodge will be razed. We have had 4 inches+/- of rain in the last 6 days. Kinda hard to do any demolition in this 'wetness'.
This week I was again contacted by Right Worshipful Brother Auston "Gene" Smith Senior Grand Warden of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of the State of Illinois. He was tweaking my 'draft' of the story about the stone that was mentioned in the March 17th notes.
Together, we have gotten the story for the Freemasonry Magazine pretty well finished and RWB Smith said he was going to sit on it and reread it a few times before he sends it to the editors of the magazine. Sounds like a good plan to me! He is a great help on this! Be neat to see something I drafted and what the Brothers found in the Freemasonry Magazine and to share it Statewide and maybe even worldwide! What a joy to find something positive out of the destruction of our Lodge building!

April 8th, 2024
Full Eclipse Day! Bro. John Saxton got the small safe out of the upstairs of the Kansas Lodge Building. He rolled it down the stairs and he said he didn't even scratch it!

April 9th, 2024
Bro. John Saxton and Bro. Darrel Reynolds got the Cornerstone (rededication cornerstone), that was in the North East Corner of the Temple, and took it to his building to store. He cannot find out who chiseled it free from the building.

April 10th, 2024
At 8:45 AM Brother Phil Tribby started the demolition of the Kansas Lodge Masonic Temple. Myself, Joy Honnold, Jeanine Fell, John Saxton, JC Getche, Bruce Sloat, Bill George and others were present to see it come down. Bruce Sloat, myself and John Saxton got a cast Iron Star, each, that were used to keep the building from spreading. Bro. Tribby had the lodge razed in about an hour and a half.

So Ends the Masonic Record of the Kansas Masonic Temple located at 114 N. Front St, Kansas, Illinois 61933.

Brethren, It was one hell of a First Year for me being Secretary for the Lodge!

Written and documented by:
Edward Eugene Martin
Secretary of Kansas Lodge #280

113 East Ashmore Street (Rt 16)
Ashmore, IL 61912

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