Winterrowd #0664

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Stated Communication

Nov 5, 2024 - 7:30pm

Stated Communication

Dec 3, 2024 - 7:30pm
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417 E. Center
Dieterich, IL 62424
Winterrowd Blue Lodge #0664

Chartered on 10/03/1871 by the Grand Lodge of Illinois, Winterrowd Lodge #664 A.F. & A.M. in Dieterich, Illinois is part of District 004-S.

417 E. Center
Dieterich, IL 62424

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Upcoming Events

7:30 PM
417 E. Center, Dieterich, IL 62424
Winterrowd #664, in Dieterich, Illinois, holds a monthly Stated Communication on the first Tuesday of the month. The meeting, held at 417 E. Center in Dieterich, IL 62424, starts at 7:30pm. Contact the lodge to determine the purpose of the meeting...


7:30 PM
417 E. Center, Dieterich, IL 62424
Winterrowd #664, in Dieterich, Illinois, holds a monthly Stated Communication on the first Tuesday of the month. The meeting, held at 417 E. Center in Dieterich, IL 62424, starts at 7:30pm. Contact the lodge to determine the purpose of the meeting...


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