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Olive Branch #0038 12 months ago

DANVILLE, IL, November 8, 2023- Jerry Askren, the presiding officer of Olive Branch Masonic Lodge said, “The lodge is pleased to be able to donate again this year to Fair Hope Children’s Ministry”, as he and members of the lodge presented checks, totaling $1500, from the lodge and the Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program or IMCAP, to the Ministry’s Board at its meeting Tuesday November 7, 2023.  The donations will help the Ministry provide winter clothing, boots, and accessories to the children it serves. 

This is the second year that the lodge has donated to Fair Hope to help with winter needs.  The lodge voted in September to again donate to the ministry and was able to secure an additional grant from IMCAP in October.

Fair Hope Children’s Ministry provides clothing for children, newborn to 18 years of age, who are referred to them by pastors, case workers, nurses, doctors, and school social workers.  

IMCAP is Charity of the Grand Lodge of Illinois which partners with local lodges to serve children and young adults in their communities.  Over the last few years, IMCAP has worked through Masonic Lodges in Vermilion County to award several thousand dollars in grants to help children.  From help with winter clothing for those in need, to help providing Wi-Fi internet access to students, to help with construction costs for ADA bathrooms at a summer camp for youth with disabilities and more, Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program grants have enabled the Masons of Vermilion County to help hundreds of children in our local communities.

Olive Branch Lodge No. 38 is a local unit of the Fraternity of Freemasons whose members support each other in their efforts to become the best men they can be and to make their communities the best places they can be.  For more information about Freemasonry or the lodge, email the lodge at


 In the picture, Worshipful Master,

Jerry Askren, accompanied by other members of Olive Branch Masonic Lodge, presents checks to Karel Volpert of Fair Hope Children’s Ministry.  Left to Right: Bill Lucas, Brian Pettice, Dyke Rothenberger, Jerry Askren, Karel Volpert, and Ron Vadeboncoeur.