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Streator #0607 about 1 year ago

It is with deep sadness that I must report the passing away of Brother Donald Joseph Estes.  Brother Estes was born on April 21 1941, Elected to membership in Long Point Lodge #552 on March 4, 1969, Initiated as an Entered Apprentice in Long Point Lodge #552 on March 18, 1969, Passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft in Long Point Lodge #552 on April 15, 1969, and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on May 6, 1969.  Long Point Lodge #552 merged with Streator Lodge #607 in 1984 and Brother Estes membership was brought into Streator #607 at that time.  Brother estes passed away on January 15, 2024.  He was a 54 year member of the Fraternity.  Masonic services for Brother Estes will be held on April 21 2024  at a celebration of life to he held in his honor at that time.  Anyone wishing to attend this service should contact Brother Secretary, WB James Woodward.