Elmhurst Lodge's Hiram's Travelers will be visiting the Green Dragon Masonic Lodge on Saturday, December 28, in support of Right Worshipful Brother WM Mark R. Entwistle, our beloved Treasurer.
Breakfast @0800 hrs. Gavel @0900 hrs.
Hiram's Travelers: To Promote Fellowship and Fraternity Bonds traveling the Illinois Northeastern District (Districts 001-NE to 013-NE) of AF&AM Lodges and beyond.
Elmhurst Masonic Lodge No. 0941, located in Elmhurst, Illinois, USA of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons in the 006th Northeastern District, holds bi-monthly Stated Meetings on the First (1st) & Third (3rd) Tuesdays of the month. The meeting, held at the Elmhurst Masonic Temple on159 West North Avenue, holds a dinner at 6pm (1800 hrs.) and Lodge is gaveled opened at 7pm (1900 hrs.)
Contact the Lodge to determine the purpose of a meeting. Any questions can be directed to the Worshipful Master at wm@elmhurstlodge.com or the Lodge Secretary at secretary@elmhurstlodge.com
on Facebook: Elmhurst Masonic Lodge #941 AF & AM